
You are invited to Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30 pm. It will be a service of repentance and ashes to start the season of Lent.

Join Matt on the mountain for Mountain Top Worship on Sunday, March 2nd at 12:30pm. You will find him at Spruce Saddle in Beaver Creek. He will also be there on and April 6th.

GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you after losing a loved one. It will be meeting every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the church starting January 15th. Contact Pastor Jason at for more information.

You are invited to a Good Friday Worship service on Friday, April 18th at 7:00pm.

You are invited to celebrate Easter with us on Sunday, April 20th. Our first service will be at 7:00am in the atrium. A waffle breakfast will be provided after the service. At 9:30am we will have a worship celebration followed by a potluck and an egg hunt for the kids. Childcare will be provided at the 9:30am service.
Summer Games will be this August 4th through 8th. It is for kids from 3rd grade to 8th grade. We will be at Freedom Park 9am to 12pm. Cost is 35$ per child. Click on the link to register.

Join us downstairs every Sunday morning after the service at 11:00 for adult Bible Study. Contact Josh for more information.

Prayer group meets every Thursday evening at the church at 6:00pm. Come to pray or be prayed for. Contact Bev for more information.

All Middle School and High Schoolers are invited on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Contact Josh or Matt if you are interested in coming.